The internet is a collection of good and evil, it’s like a maze and everything is available on it. Anything and everything is available online starting from counterfeit and stolen products to illegal drugs that are banned in the market and even stolen identities and weapons. All this can be done just by sitting behind a device at the comfort of your home.

How Does Dark Web Work?
You need to be computer-proficient enough to install and use specialized software. If that's you, then there are two Darknet options available to you: the I2P protocol, and the TOR protocol. These are two different technologies that handle the cloaking and anonymizing work behind the scenes.
In both cases, the Darknet works by using complex mathematical encryption to scramble the personal identities, network identities, and the physical locations of the participants. All network traffic is routed around thousands of servers around the world, making tracing effectively impossible. All business and messaging are conducted via pseudonyms that are disconnected from your real identity. Most money transactions use Bitcoin and the services of escrow third-party services to protect both the buyer and seller from dishonest trading.
To participate in either the I2P or TOR Darknet, you need to install specialized encryption software, a specialized web browser, and if you want to purchase anything: you'll also need to buy Bitcoins and install Bitcoin wallet software.
Are There Two Darknets?
There are two Darknets with the TOR Darknet being the more popular of the two. Tor which uses .onion links to access web pages focuses on giving users anonymous access to both the regular web and the Darknet. The Deep Web Sites Links use the .onion Links. The typical Darknet website address looks like http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion (now defunct Silk Road). The user base is very high on the TOR and Darknet runs faster with TOR browser.
TOR stands for 'The Onion Router'. I2P is a smaller hidden network, generally slower for speed performance, and more exclusive than TOR; you cannot use I2P browsing to see regular web pages that are surfaced in surface web pages. I2P is expected to grow in population over time, and some argue that I2P is more resistant to law enforcement surveillance. I2P stands for Invisible Internet Project.
How to Purchase Products on the Darknet
Bitcoin, the virtual currency is the most preferred way of payment users on the Darknet. The Bitcoin is a Cryptocurrency which is even less traceable than cash. The Cryptocurrency uses anonymous account number much like a well kept hidden secret. The currency has gained such popularity as it does not fall under the ambit of any particular central bank. The currency is an unregulated entity which is there for fiat currency which falls in the ambit of the Central Bank and there is always a chance of the details of the card and bank account might get impersonated. Using the Cryptocurrency on the other hand keeps you and your details safe and sound.
Escrow Middleman Helps Keep Trading Honest
Escrow services acts as middle man between the buyer and seller of the products which are sold on the Darknet. It acts as a go between the parties and looks after the transaction and verifies from the buyer. He checks on the balance from the buyer and keeps in his safe custody until the transaction is complete. The escrow services than checks on the seller about the delivery of the product that the customer has ordered and keeps a track of the status. After the seller has delivered the package to the buyer he then asks the customer for the confirmation. After he gets the green light, he releases the payment of the seller for his delivery of the successful delivery of the package.
Escrow services are sometimes provided by the Darknet marketplace itself e.g. the 'Nucleus' Darknet site promises escrow and dispute resolution services to all its clients. There are also third-party escrow services available on the Darknet market place.
How Does Delivery of Contraband Work?
Just like a package from Amazon, Darknet contraband goods are delivered via regular post or courier shipping services. Yes, that means weapons and narcotics arrive in much the same way as that purchased pair of blue jeans. The risk revolves around your Darknet purchase being identified by law enforcement agency and government authorities. This risk varies substantially from place to place, as jurisdictions around the world observe different laws around inspecting and opening parcels.
In the United States, post and shipping services use a combination of x-rays, sniffing dogs, and visual inspection to identify contraband. Should your incoming contraband package become identified and be considered serious enough for police to investigate, the authorities may assign an undercover agent to deliver the package to you, and elicit statements from you to admit knowledge of the parcel's contents.
There is definitely a risk of getting caught receiving contraband. Should your parcel be seized by law enforcement, but you escape prosecution, then you can call on your escrow service to have the seller send another identical package, or refund your money. If the police catch you and charge you with contraband infractions, then you hopefully have a really good lawyer.
The Buying Process in Summary
The first thing you should do is to open a Cryptocurrency wallet and buy some currency to put in it. If you’re buying Bitcoin you should run your balance through a tumbler before buying anything. The next step is to buy and activate a VPN service. There are plenty of good ones out there, but we often recommend VPN as the best general-purpose choice. Once these two steps are done with, you need to either download the Tor browser or set up Tails. This is what you’ll use to access the Dark Web itself. You’ll also need the .onion Sites Link address of the marketplace in question. Finding that would be up to you, but this information is scattered all over the surface web. Once you find the market you want to use, you’ll have to register as a buyer. Here things become very nonstandard since each market will have different registration requirements.
Once registered as a buyer, you simply browse the site and add the items you want to your list. When you’ve decided on the item, save to cart and then pay for it with your preferred Cryptocurrency. This process may not be automated and require negotiation or discussion with the seller first. With all of that done, it’s time to specify your delivery destination. This is one of the most sensitive aspects of the process.